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Hide Control Loader

The Hide Control Loader action enables the removal of loading indicators or spinners associated with designated controls within your micro-app. This feature proves beneficial when you want to conceal loading states after completing specific processes or actions.

Hide Control Loader
Hide Control Loader

Setting up the Hide Control Loader Action

Follow these steps to effectively utilize the Hide Control Loader action:

  1. Navigate to the Action Flows section and locate the Hide Control Loader block.

  2. Click on the block to initiate the setup process.

  3. Choose the controls within your micro-app for which you wish to hide the loading indicator.

  4. Proceed by clicking Continue.

  5. Under the Configure Connector’s Field, specify the controls from which you want to remove the loading indicator. This ensures precise control over the hiding functionality.

  6. Define conditions under which the action should be executed and the environment in which it should occur.

  7. Assign a unique name using the Action Unique Name field for easier identification and management within the flow.

  8. Click Finish to complete the setup.

The Hide Control Loader action empowers your micro-app to dynamically remove loading indicators from specific controls, enhancing user experience by providing a polished interface post-completion of actions.