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List Objects

DronaHQ File Storage provides a convenient way to list objects within your Amazon S3 buckets, enabling you to fetch and manage files programmatically. There is a dedicated query in the File Storage library called ListObjects to configure this functionality in DronaHQ.

Listing Objects with DronaHQ File Storage

DronaHQ File Storage allows you to list objects stored in your Amazon S3 buckets. Follow the steps below to configure the object listing functionality using the ListObjects feature in DronaHQ.

Structuring the Query

This query requires details about the folder, pagination token, and delimiter for fetching the list of objects. Start by providing a name and opt for the option when the query should run. Then configure the details.

ListObjects Query
ListObjects Query

Configuration Details

Folder NameSpecify which folder you want your files listed from. Nested folders supported (enter path with format folder1/folder2). (Optional)
Pagination TokenUse this property when you have more than 1000 results and need to fetch the rest. Get the variable ListBucketResult.ContinuationToken from the previous result page's response and provide it here. (Optional)
DelimiterCharacter you use to group keys. "/" is the only supported delimiter. If you specify a delimiter in the request, then the result returns each distinct key prefix containing the delimiter in a CommonPrefixes element. The distinct key prefixes are returned in the Prefix child element. (Optional)

Using Query

Suppose you are developing an application where you need to list all files uploaded by a user within their designated folder in the S3 bucket.