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Configure External Databases

Configure and migrate databases to an external ones.

In Docker based self-hosted setup, user information, apps information, documents and other resources are stored in a MYSQL and MONGODB container with mapped persistent storage volume. For production use cases, you should host these databases on external managed databases services. managed databases are more maintainable, scalable and reliable.

If you are installing DronaHQ self hosted on Kubernetes platform, then you should externalize your database. DronaHQ don't provide containerized databases support by default for installation on kubernetes cluster.

User rights and permissions

Database user you will be using to import/export database files must have superuser/admin privileges to that database. These are necessary for some essential operations in database like downloading/installing updates.

Use following steps to set up external databases for docker based installations.


To import data into your external database, you need to install database clients on your machine.

1. MYSQL Client

1.1 Update package information for the MySQL APT repository

sudo apt-get update

1.2 Install mysql client package

sudo apt install mysql-client-core-8.0

1.3 check that client is properly installed

mysql --version

you will get output for above command as follows

mysql  Ver 8.0.33-0ubuntu0.22.04.4 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))

2. MongoDB client and developer tools

1.1 Download mongo shell package


1.2 Install with dpkg and remove downloaded file

sudo dpkg -i mongodb-mongosh_1.10.1_amd64.deb && rm mongodb-mongosh_1.10.1_amd64.deb

1.3 Download mongo tools. Don't forget to update your linux distribution in command.


1.4 Install with dpkg and remove package

sudo dpkg -i mongodb-database-tools-ubuntu2204-x86_64-100.7.4.deb \
&& rm mongodb-database-tools-ubuntu2204-x86_64-100.7.4.deb

1.5 Check if mongodb and mongodb tools are installed properly

mongosh --version && mongorestore --version


mongorestore version: 100.7.4
git version: fb74684da15f56d40231ab04ded86c71c1d8f37c
Go version: go1.19.11
os: linux
arch: amd64
compiler: gc

1. Preparing data and files for migration

DronaHQ uses MYSQL and MONGODB together to store your meta information and data. Using both technology helps DronaHQ become faster and reliable.

1.1 Exporting MYSQL data

There are two possible ways by which you can export MYSQL data.

a. Export data from MYSQL container

To export data from MYSQL container, run the following command in DronaHQ installation directory. Use this option, if you want to migrate your MYSQL containerized database to external database.

sudo docker compose exec -T mysqldb sh -c 'exec mysqldump -u <%user%> --password=<%password%> \
--databases <%database_name%> --add-drop-database --routines --triggers --events --single-transaction' > mysql-init.sql && sed -i 's/ DEFINER=[^ |\*]*//g' mysql-init.sql

Replace variables encapsulated in <% variable %> with actual value.

b. Download from DronaHQ repository

To download already exported data from DronaHQ repository, run the following command. Use this option if you are setting new up installation.

curl -L -O

1.2 Exporting MONGODB data

There are two possible ways by which you can export MONGODB data.

a. Export data from MONGODB container

To export data from MONGODB container, run the following command in DronaHQ installation directory. Use this option, if you want to migrate your MONGODB containerized database to external database.

sudo docker compose exec -T mongodb sh -c 'mongodump -d <%database_name %> -u <%user%> -p <%password%> --authenticationDatabase admin  --archive' > mongo-init.dump

Replace variables encapsulated in <%variable%> with actual value.

b. Download from DronaHQ repository

To download already exported data from DronaHQ repository, run the following command. Use this option if you are setting new up installation.

curl -L -O

2. Migrate data to external hosted database

Next step is to restore your data into external databases. You can use database client present in your running database containers or optionally you can install database client for MYSQL and MONGODB on your host machine.


While running following shell commands for restoring data on external database, feel free to use command attributes and options as per requirement and database specification.

2.1 Restore data on external MYSQL database.

a. Using running MYSQL container

Run the following command in your DronaHQ installation directory to restore data on external database.

sudo docker compose exec -T mysqldb sh -c 'mysql --host=<%host%> --user=<%user%> --password=<%password%>  <%database_name%>' < mysql-init.sql

Replace variables encapsulated in <% variable %> with actual value.

b. Using installed client on host machine

Run following command to restore data on external database

mysql --host=<%host%> --user=<%user%> --password=<%password%> <%database_name%> < mysql-init.sql

Replace variables encapsulated in <%variable%> with actual value.

2.2 Restore data on external MONGODB database.

a. Using running MONGODB container

Run the following command in your DronaHQ installation directory to restore data on external database.

sudo docker compose exec -T mongodb sh -c 'mongorestore --host=localhost -u <%user%> -p <%password%> --nsFrom="db5x_studio.*"  --nsTo="<%dbname%>.*" --authenticationDatabase admin --archive' < mongo-init.dump

Replace variables encapsulated in <%variable%> with actual value.

b. Using installed client on host machine

Run following command to restore data on external database

mongorestore --host=<% host %> -u <%user%> -p <%password%> --nsFrom="db5x_studio.*"  --nsTo="<%dbname%>.*" --authenticationDatabase admin --archive=mongo-init.dump

Replace variables encapsulated in <% variable %> with actual value.

3. Create application user in external database

Considering importance of data security, privacy, and integrity, DronaHQ recommends creating and using application user with limited privileges defined for required scope.

You can create application user in external database using following commands.

3.1 Create application user in MYSQL external database

Replace variables encapsulated in <%variable%> with actual value.

i. Create database user

mysql -h<%host%> -u<%user%> -p<%password%> -e "CREATE USER '<%application-user%>'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<%application-password%>';"

ii. Grant privileges to new user

mysql -h<%host%> -u<%user%> -p<%password%> -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '<%application-user%>'@'%';"

iii. Flush privileges for newly assigned privileges to take effect immediately

mysql -h<%host%> -u<%user%> -p<%password%> -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"

3.2 Create application user in MONGODB external database

To create application user in external mongodb database, run following command.

Replace variables encapsulated in <%variable%> with actual value.

mongosh --host <%host%> --username <%user%>  --password <%password%> <<EOF
use admin
user: '<% application-user %>',
pwd: '<% application-password %>',
roles: [{
role: "userAdminAnyDatabase",
db: "admin"
}, {
role: 'readWrite',
db: '<% database name %>'

4. Configure DronaHQ to use external databases

The dronahq.env file defined few environment variables. Using these variables DronaHQ can connect to external databases. Find following variables in dronahq.env and update them with external database credentials.

# MYSQL Credentials

# MONGODB credentials

Update following variables with appropriate values and save the file.

5. Restart DronaHQ server

After modifying any configuration, restart is must for changes to take effect.

you can restart DronaHQ using following command

sudo docker compose up -d