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Adding Chart to Dataset

Begin your chart creation with a physical or virtual dataset to scale chart building and reuse predefined metrics. Let's see how to start with creating your chart on any dataset available.

Creating a Chart

From Chart Builder

First of. navigate to the Charts section on dashboard and click the + Chart icon. On the "Create a new chart" screen, click the drop-down arrow in the "Choose a Dataset" field and select a dataset.

Now simply choose a chart type and click Create new chart. It is recommended to use charts with the Recommended tag in the chart gallery. You can select the desired chart from the "Create a new chart" dialogue and change the chart type in the Data tab of the Chart Builder.

Wide Range of Charts

From SQL Lab - Initiating with a SQL Query

You can begin your chart creation by writing a SQL query, which allows for flexible, ad-hoc data exploration and the definition of new metrics. Here's the process for creating a chart from a SQL query:

Select the appropriate data source from the left-hand side. Enter your SQL query in the provided text box.

    • Click Run to execute the query and reveal the Create Chart button.
  • Once the query runs successfully, click Create Chart to proceed.
Wide Range of Charts

Using Chart Builder

Familiarize yourself with the Chart Builder page to configure a chart and run a query. Verify your chart source before creating any chart. Editing a pre-saved dataset directly from the Chart Builder will affect all charts using the same dataset.

Wide Range of Charts
  1. Metrics & Columns Panel:

    • Below the Chart Source panel, use the Metrics and Columns panel to quickly find the necessary data.
    • Icons indicate data types:
      • ƒ: Function used for metrics
      • Clock: Time column
      • abc: Text data
      • #: Numeric value data
    • Drag and drop Metrics and Columns into the Query panel to configure your visualization.
  2. Chart Type Panel:

    • Use the Chart Type panel to change your visualization type.
    • DronaHQ recommends using charts with the Recommended tag.
    • Switch between common chart types without losing already configured fields.
  3. Configuring Fields:

    • Viewing Data Samples: Click Samples above the "Run a query to display results" section to pull raw data in table form.
    • Choosing the Dimension for the X-axis: Specify the x-axis dimension in the "Query" panel. Support for temporal (time series) and non-temporal x-axis dimensions is available. For temporal datasets, define the granularity of displayed x-axis values.
    • Add a Metric or Column: Drag a metric or column to the applicable destination fields. A pop-out window will appear for details.
  4. Create Chart: once everything is set, click on Create Chart it, will run the query and will provide a chart with required details. Most DronaHQ charts are interactive; hover over parts of the chart to see additional details.

  5. Further Customizations:

    • To customize, select the Customize tab to see available options for the selected chart type.
    • Experiment with different chart types and configuration settings to express your data in various ways. Update time ranges or add filters to access more or less data.

Saving and Sharing the Chart

At the top right of Chart Builder, select Save. In the Save chart dialogue, you can create a new dashboard and add the chart to it.

For sharing and other options, next to Save, click the meatballs icon for chart tools. you will find that to share a chart there are options like, share the chart by

  • Copy the chart permalink.
  • Share chart by email.
  • Share by embed.