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DronaHQ allows users to customize the appearance and style of their applications through theme configuration. Themes provide a way to control the visual aspects of the user interface, such as colors, fonts, scale and other design elements. This documentation will guide you through the process of configuring themes in DronaHQ.

Getting Started

Configuring themes in the DronaHQ is a straightforward process. Utilizing our theme creator interface, users can generate an unlimited number of themes. The platform comes equipped with two predefined theme configurations: one for default DronaHQ light Small and another for default DronaHQ dark Small. Users have the flexibility to designate any custom themes they create as the default for either light or dark mode. Additionally, they can select a single theme to serve as the default for both dark and light modes. Themes marked as defaults will automatically be applied to any newly created applications.

Creating Themes

Below is a walk-through of creating themes:

# Theme Configurations: Detailed Guide

Theme Configurations


All changes can be viewed as a preview on the left-hand side in real-time, except for Font and Loader settings for now.

Scale Value

The scale value automatically adjusts the size of controls, fonts, spacing, padding, and other UI elements. Adjusting the scale can make the interface more compact or larger, depending on the user's needs.


Colors play a crucial role in defining the visual identity of the theme. The following table lists the configurable color properties.


Screen BackgroundSets the background color of the entire screen.
Container BackgroundDefines the background color of containers.
Control BackgroundSets the background color for input controls and inputs.
Header BackgroundDefines the background color of screen headers.


BrandMain theme color for controls, typically the brand color.
Selected BgBackground color for selected controls.
Hover BgBackground color for controls on hover (e.g., table grid).
BorderColor for borders within the application.
ScrollbarColor of all scrollbar sliders in the application.
Control Header BgBackground color for control headers (e.g., table grid headers).


Font colors are crucial for readability and aesthetic consistency. The following table details the configurable font properties.

Screen Header FontFont color for screen headers, ensuring contrast with the header background.
Primary FontDefault font color, contrasting with background colors.
Secondary FontFont color for subtext, contrasting with background colors.
Font on Brand BgFont color for text on brand-colored backgrounds.

Messages and Tags

Success BgBackground color for success notifications and controls.
Success Action FontFont color for success notifications and controls.
Error BgBackground color for error notifications and controls.
Error Action FontFont color for error notifications and controls.
Warning BgBackground color for warning notifications and controls.
Warning Action FontFont color for warning notifications and controls.
Information BgBackground color for informational notifications and controls.
Information Action FontFont color for informational notifications and controls.
Note BgBackground color for note notifications and controls.
Note Action FontFont color for note notifications and controls.
Neutral Tag BgBackground color for neutral tag notifications and controls.
Neutral Tag Action FontFont color for neutral tag notifications and controls.


Additional colors can be configured and used as themes within the application.


Typography settings allow for customization of text sizes and spacing within the application.

Control Text

Control TitleFont size for control labels, recommended in rem for scalability.
Control DescriptionFont size for control descriptions, recommended in rem for scalability.

Content Text

LargeFont size for large text, recommended in rem for scalability.
MediumFont size for medium text, recommended in rem for scalability.
NormalFont size for normal text, recommended in rem for scalability.
Small FontFont size for small text, recommended in rem for scalability.
Extra Small FontFont size for extra small text, recommended in rem for scalability.
Letter SpacingSpacing between letters.
Line HeightHeight of lines in text.


General settings include properties that affect the overall appearance and behavior of the application. This section is divided into three main categories: Size, Sizing Loader, and Styling Fonts.


BorderSize of the border around the application.
Border RadiusRadius of borders, unless explicitly specified otherwise.
Box ShadowDefault box shadow for application controls.

Sizing Loader

The Sizing Loader allows users to select and customize the loader animation used in the application.

Selected LoaderDisplays the currently selected loader.
Available LoadersList of available loaders to choose from.

Styling Fonts

Styling Fonts provides options for selecting and configuring fonts used in the application. This section is divided into two subsections: Google Fonts and Custom Fonts.

  1. Google Fonts

    Users can select from available Google Fonts and choose specific font weights.

    Font-FamilyDefault font family for the application.
    Add FontsOption to add fonts from Google Fonts.
    Font VariantsSelect font weights (e.g., 500, 600, 700)
  2. Custom Fonts

    Users can upload their own custom fonts and save the configuration.

    Upload FontsOption to upload custom font files.

At last there is the Button to save the custom font configuration after uploading fonts.

Applying Themes

The themes generated in the DronaHQ are applicable within the application through the adjustment of the application's theme settings. Each application is equipped with its own theme configuration, providing users with the capability to manage the visual presentation of individual applications.

Below is a walk-through of how to use themes:

Changing themes dynamically

The application allows dynamic modification of configured themes during runtime, even after the application has been published. This functionality is achieved through the utilization of the set theme action within the action flow. Key elements such as KEYWORDS AVAILABLETHEMES and STUDIOTHEMEMODE play a crucial role in this process. STUDIOTHEMEMODE provides information about the presently active theme, while AVAILABLETHEMES furnishes a comprehensive list of all available themes within the DronaHQ. This information can be leveraged to develop a user interface for theme selection. The set theme action facilitates the seamless alteration of themes during runtime, enhancing the overall flexibility and adaptability of the application. Once the theme is selected it persists for the application. To understand in detail how it works you can read the set theme article