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Microsoft Outlook

he Microsoft Outlook connector enables seamless integration with Outlook's email and calendar features, allowing users to manage emails, events, and tasks directly from their applications.

Configuring API Connector in DronaHQ

Add a Account name. Then click Save, it will open a pop-up window asking you to sign-in into your Microsoft Outlook account. Continue with the steps and give access to DronaHQ to connect with your Microsoft Outlook ID and its information.

to your Outlook account
to your Outlook account

After successfully configuring and saving the connector settings, you can easily access your newly connected account by navigating to the connected accounts list. You can find this option from the Connector -> Manage Account section. This centralized location allows you to conveniently monitor and manage your connected accounts.

Supported API endpoints

sendEmailSends an email to specified recipients including Subject, Body, CC, BCC.