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Salesforce is an extremely powerful CRM tool. DronaHQ with Salesforce not only helps you to create and search data but also helps you to operate on different pieces of information called Resources. Resources include records, query results and so on.


  1. Authentication Requirements: Before establishing a connection with your Salesforce instance, ensure you have the required authentication credentials, such as:

    • Salesforce username and password.
    • Security token for two-factor authentication.
  2. Connection Details:

    • Obtain the Salesforce instance URL where your data is hosted.
    • Identify the API version you intend to use for communication.
  3. Security Settings:

    • Configure trusted IP ranges or network access settings within your Salesforce account to allow integration from external applications.

Having these prerequisites fulfilled will ensure a smooth integration of your application with Salesforce, facilitating seamless data management and utilization.

Configuring API Connector in DronaHQ

Provide the Connector Name and Click Connect to Salesforce. Once the configuration is successful. Click Save. This enables you to connect with the production environment.


When you click on Connect to Salesforce, the login screen appears. You need to provide the Username and Password. Once successful you will be able to view the Salesforce dashboard.

Connect to Sandbox

If you have created a test environment and want to connect to it for testing purpose, this is also possible with the Salesforce Connector by switching on the Connect to Sandbox toggle. Then click on Connect to Salesforce. The username for the sandbox follows the pattern of user_email.sandbox_name.

Connect to custom apps

For the users who have built custom apps separate from the Salesforce production environment, they also can connect their app by providing app URL, consumer key, and consumer secret.

salesforce with Sample details.

Either of the two toggles can be switched on at once.

Adding API Queries

  1. Query Name: Assign a unique and meaningful name to your query, making it easily identifiable.

  2. Query Type: Choose the appropriate query type based on your requirements. Options include SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language), CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Operations, and more.

Query TypeDescription
CRUD OperationPerform Create, Read, Update, or Delete operations on Salesforce objects using the Connector.
SOQL QueryUtilize Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) to retrieve specific data from Salesforce objects.
APEX REST QueryExecute custom APEX REST queries to interact with Salesforce data through the REST API.
Bulk LoadEfficiently load a large volume of data into Salesforce using the Bulk API via the Connector.
Chatter APIInteract with Salesforce Chatter API to post, comment, and perform various activities on Chatter feeds.

Utilize double curly brackets for incorporating dynamic variables. Prior to saving, test with sample values. Associate dynamic variables with controls/actions for real-time utilization.

Your saved queries will be visible beneath your connector within the Connector Library.

Using Salesforce Connector

CRUD Action

The CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) action allows you to perform various operations on data in your Salesforce instance. You can create, retrieve, insert, update, delete, or upsert data using this action.

For instance, you can update specific rows with specific values using the CRUD action. It provides a flexible way to manage data by allowing you to create new records, update existing ones, delete records, and more.

Update Row

To update records in Salesforce using the CRUD action, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add Query

  2. Provide a unique Query Name to identify your query.

  3. Select CRUD Operations as the Query Type.

  4. In the Resource Body section, provide the necessary values for updating the desired row.

For example, to update the Name field to DronaHQ, structure your data in the Resource Body like this:

"id": "your_row_id",
"Name": "DronaHQ"
  1. Test the query to ensure it works correctly.
Update query for Salesforce API connector
Update query for Salesforce API connector

Chatter Post - Post a Feed Item

To post a feed item using the Chatter API, follow these steps:

  1. Select Chatter API as the Query Type.

  2. In the Body section, structure your data to include the content of the feed item you want to post. For example:

  1. Test the query to ensure it works correctly.
 Chatter Post query of Salesforce API connector
Chatter Post query of Salesforce API connector

By following these steps, you can seamlessly post feed items using Salesforce's Chatter API, allowing you to share updates and information within your applications.

Using Chatter Post query of Salesforce API connector
Using Chatter Post query of Salesforce API connector