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Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that offers fast and flexible analytics. It enables seamless handling of large-scale data while providing advanced data sharing and processing capabilities.


  1. Authentication Requirements: To establish a connection with your Snowflake instance, you will require specific authentication credentials. You have the choice of either of the following two credential options:

    • Snowflake database username and password.
    • Alternative authentication methods (excluding AWS IAM authentication).
  2. Connection Details:

    • Hostname of the Snowflake database.
    • Port number for database communication.
    • The designated database name within the Snowflake host.
  3. Firewall Rules:

    • Set up your firewall settings to permit DronaHQ's IP whitelist for access to your Snowflake host.

Having these essential prerequisites in place will ensure a seamless integration of Snowflake with DronaHQ, facilitating efficient data management and utilization.

Configuring Connector in DronaHQ

Configure your database category using the provided details. Validate connection with Test connection and Save settings for secure database setup.


DronaHQ can Auto fill crucial connection values like host, name, password, and more from the connector's connection string.

Whitelisting DronaHQ

To begin the process, you must first whitelist DronaHQ. Follow these steps meticulously:

  1. Set Admin Privileges for User Role: Initiate the procedure by granting yourself administrative privileges by assuming the role of "securityadmin." Employ the following command within the worksheets:

    USE ROLE securityadmin;
  2. Create Network Policy and Whitelist IPs: Proceed to create a network policy to facilitate whitelisting of IPs. Implement the ensuing command to achieve this:

  3. Apply Network Policy: Execute the subsequent command to apply the newly created network policy:

  4. Verify Policy Configuration: Confirm the network policy configuration and details by querying it using the following command:

  5. Account Name Retrieval: To ensure accurate account whitelisting, extract the account name from your Snowflake database URL. Access the URL at https://<account-name>

    • For instance, if your URL is, the account name would be dronahq-test-account.
    • In AWS scenarios, URLs might resemble, where the account name is
    • In the case of Azure, URLs could appear as, and the corresponding account name would be
Whitelisting IP
Whitelisting IP


Account NameEnter the Snowflake Account name
Database NameEnter the Database name
Database SchemaEnter the Schema name
AuthenticationSelect authentication methods between Password based and Key pair.
UsernameEnter the Username
PasswordEnter the Password
Data WarehouseEnter the Data Warehouse name
User RoleEnter the User Role
Private KeyEnter the private encrypted key.
Snowflake with Sample details.
Snowflake with Sample details.


Advanced OptionDescription
Connection OptionsThe key and value connection options in database configuration refer to specific settings (keys) and their corresponding values that dictate how the application connects to the database
Whitelist IP Enhance security by restricting database access to specific whitelisted IP addresses.

Adding Database Queries

After configuring the connector, access it in your Connector Library.

Click Add query once the connection is established. Create queries, run them, and view responses.

Write Queries
Write Queries

Use double curly brackets for dynamic variables. Test with sample values before saving. Link dynamic variables to controls/actions for runtime use.

Saved queries appear under your connector in Connector Library.

Supported Query Operations

Raw SQL QueryExecute various SQL operations directly, e.g., SELECT * FROM TableName;
Stored Procedure CallCall stored procedures, e.g., EXEC usp_GetInfo; to perform specific tasks or retrieve data from the database.

Using Snowflake Connector

Data Bind using Data Query

Read/Display Data Query for Snowflake:

Begin by crafting an SQL query to extract data from your Snowflake database. For example, let's consider a scenario where you want to retrieve data from the TRIPS table with ordering, limiting, and offset. The SQL query is:

Query used:


Query explanation:

This SQL query retrieves all rows and columns from the TRIPS table and orders them by BIKEID. The results are limited based on the {{limit}} value and offset by the {{offset}} value, which are dynamic variables.

Query example with dynamic variables for pagination.
Query example with dynamic variables for pagination.

Integrate the fetched data into your application's interface.

a. Access the Controls section and introduce the Table grid control.

b. Navigate to Data Bind Options -> Quick Select -> Database Queries.

c. Opt for the Snowflake connector and choose the query that aligns with your data presentation goals.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly retrieve and display data from the TRIPS table using the Snowflake Connector, enhancing your application's functionality and user experience with ordering, limiting, and offset features.