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The Address control is designed to accept addresses in a composite manner, allowing the user to input address details using multiple fields. It segments the address into 6 different components.

Address Control
Address Control


The Address control consists of the following fields:

  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Country

Each field provides placeholders and options to guide user input, ensuring accurate address collection.

Binding Data Options

The Address control accepts data in string format for address-related fields. This enables users to input and store detailed address information.

Static Data Option

You can bind static data to the Address control using strings. For example:

"address_Line_1": ["123 Main Street"],
"address_Line_2": ["Apt 5B"],
"city": ["New York"],
"state": ["New York"],
"zip": ["10001"],
"country": ["United States"]


TooltipAllows you to display additional information or helpful hints when users hover over table cells or column headers.
DescriptionAdds descriptive text beneath table headers or rows to provide better context for users.
LabelEnables the addition of labels for specific columns or rows, making the data easier to interpret.
PlaceholderProvides guidance for each field, such as "Enter Address Line 1."


Address Control
ValidationAdd validation rules to the control.
Read OnlyMakes the control non-editable.
Submit DataDetermines when data is submitted (Options: Always, Never, Not When Hidden).
Debounce TimeTime in milliseconds to delay the data submission (Default: 1500 ms).
Country SelectableEnables users to select a country from the list.
Zip Code TypeSpecifies the type of zip code (Options: Numeric, Alphanumeric).
Default CountrySets the default country (Default: United States).
EventsTriggers for specific actions: value_change, enter_press, and focus_out.


The Address control may trigger events when there is a modification in the value of the respective control.

value_changeOccurs upon modification in the value of the respective control.
focus_outTriggers when the control loses focus, typically when the user clicks outside the control.
enter_pressActivates upon pressing the Enter key while interacting with the Address control.

The focus_out event for the address control only triggers when all input fields within the control are filled. If any field remains incomplete, the event will not fire, even if the user clicks outside the control. This behavior is intentional and ensures data completeness before triggering dependent actions.

Address Control


  • Visibility: Toggle visibility of the control.
  • Theme: Customize the control's color using hex codes or predefined themes.
  • Border: Modify the border's appearance.

Advanced Settings

  • External CSS: Add custom styles to the Address control.
  • Trigger Dependents: Automatically invoke linked controls or workflows.
  • Caching: Enable caching to store frequently used inputs.

Control Outputs

The Address control generates outputs for each field:

{{address_Line_1}}Represents the first line of the address.
{{address_Line_2}}Represents the second line of the address.
{{city}}Represents the city name in the address.
{{state}}Represents the state in the address.
{{zip}}Represents the zip code or postal code.
{{country}}Represents the country in the address.