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Progress Bar

The Progress Bar Control serves as a visual indicator, showcasing the percentage progress of various actions or activities within a microapp. It's particularly useful for tracking completion progress, such as filling out forms or monitoring course registrations online.

Progress Bar Control Preview
Progress Bar Control Preview

Binding Data Options

The Progress Bar Control allows the tracking of progress using the Bind Data option. It accepts two binding data options:

  • label: Represents the label or text displayed on the left side of the progress bar.
  • percentage: Indicates the percentage value for the progress.

Static Data Option

You can use this feature to define or modify the progress value:

"label": "Progress",
"percentage": 75


ProgressSpecifies the size, filled and empty color of the progress bar.
Left TextCustomizes the text on the left side of the progress bar.
Right TextCustomizes the text on the right side of the progress bar.