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Date Range Picker

The Date Range Picker control in DronaHQ is a composite control that provides two outputs: the start date and end date. It allows users to select a range of dates from a calendar widget in the app. This control offers several properties that enable you to include time selection as well.

Date Range Picker
Date Range Picker

The Date Range Picker control saves the selected date and time in timestamp format, measured in milliseconds. It can be used for various purposes, such as accepting appointments or scheduling events that require a specific time range.

Binding Data Options

There are different ways to bind data to the Date Range Picker control. From the Bind Data, you can provide both the start date and the end date.

Static Data Options

The expected and best practice format for binding data to the Date Range Picker control is UNIX timestamp format or the "MM/DD/YYYY" date format.

UNIX timestamps in milliseconds.

Start Date: 1625198400000
End Date: 1627876799000

"MM/DD/YYYY" date format.

Start Date: "07/01/2023"
End Date: "07/31/2023"

Consider a scenario where you are developing a leave application system for your employees. As a requirement, employees are required to apply for leave at least 15 days in advance.

To meet the requirement, the Date Range picker in the leave application system should dynamically disable the next 15 days.

Go to Bind Data Option, StartDate -> Quick Select -> Custom JS and write a JavaScript function to retrieve a date that is 15 days ahead of the current date. Below is an example code that utilizes the Moment.js library:

function JSCode(output) {
var startDate = moment().add(15, 'days').format('LLL');
output = startDate;
return output;
Date Range Picker
Writing Custom JavaScript for Static data binding.
Date Range Picker
Range of dates.

When binding data to the Date Range Picker control, consider the format of the data: DD/MM/YYYY or UNIX timestamp. Choose the appropriate Submit format in the Input Properties of the control: LOCAL for DD/MM/YYYY format and UTC for UNIX timestamp. This ensures accurate handling of dates and times based on the data format.


Submit formatAllows you to choose between the Local time zone and UTC for displaying the Date & Time.
Date formatAllows you to choose the format in which the date should be displayed. Three formats are available: Friendly format, European format, and US format.
Min DateSpecifies the minimum selectable date. Dates before this value will not be available for selection.
Max DateSpecifies the maximum selectable date. Dates after this value will not be available for selection.
Enable TimeToggle that enables the selection of time in addition to the date.
Min TimeSpecifies the minimum selectable time. Time before this value will not be available for selection.
Max TimeSpecifies the maximum selectable time. Time after this value will not be available for selection.
Enable ShortcutToggle that enables the selection of predefined date ranges.
Date Range PropertiesConfiguration options for color themes of the control and calendar widget.

Control Output

{{dhq_date_range_picker.StartDate}}This keyword allows you to retrieve the start date selected by the user in the Date Range Picker control.
{{dhq_date_range_picker.EndDate}}With the help of this keyword, you can obtain the end date as the output of the Date Range Picker control. It can be used in your application to pass the end date and perform further operations.


value_changeOccurs when there is a modification in the Date range picker control's value. To control the frequency or speed of the change event, you can utilize the debounce property associated with the control.