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The Label control serves as a display-only control that showcases titles, subtitles, and actionable icons, facilitating quick actions directly from the displayed information.

Label Preview
Label Preview

Binding Data Options

The Label control accepts the following bindings:

  • title: Represents the text to be displayed in the title field.
  • subtitle: Specifies the text to be shown in the subtitle field.
  • action_value: Assigns the value for the intended action, such as a phone number for a call or an email for emailing.


TitleAccepts the text to be displayed in the title field.
Title PropertiesCustomize the Title text by adjusting its size, weight, alignment, and color.
SubtitleSpecifies the text to be shown in the subtitle field.
Subtitle PropertiesCustomize the Subtitle text by adjusting its size, weight, alignment, and color.
ThemeSets the color theme for the control.
Action ValueAssign a value for the specific action, such as a phone number or an email.
ActionSelect the desired action for the control, automatically updating the icon based on the chosen action.