Short Card
The Short Card control is a compact representation commonly used for business cards or brief user profiles. It displays essential information about individuals in a concise and easily consumable format.

Binding Data Options
The Short Card control accepts data in the form of a single object representing concise information about an individual. Here's an example of the data bind format:
"fullname": "Maria Gerhold",
"email": "",
"avatar": "",
"_isSelected": false
Property | Description |
Cover Image | Displays the user's image as the cover image. |
Title | Displays the user's name as the title for the card. |
Detailed View | Offers a detailed view of the selected user's information. |
Property | Description |
Font Size | Font size of the displayed data. |
Font Weight | Font weight of the displayed data. |
Font Color | Font color of the displayed data. |
Spacing Between Properties | Spacing between different properties. |
Visible Columns | Number of visible columns. |
Fit to Screen | Option to fit data to the screen. |
Property | Description |
Searchbar | Option to show or hide the search bar. |
Buttons | Available action buttons (e.g., Download, Refresh). |
Filters | Option to persist filters. |
Quick Filter | Option to enable quick filter. |
Sorting | Option to enable sorting. |
On Card Click | Action to perform when the card is clicked. |
Control Outputs
Output | Description |
shortcard | Data associated with the whole list in the control. |
shortcard.PROPERTIES.SELECTEDCARDS | Represents the detailed information about the selected card's data. |
Trigger | Description |
selection_change | Triggers when there is a change in the selected short card. |
action1_click | Triggers when the first custom action button is clicked. |