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Dual Text

The Dual Text Control allows the display of two separate text fields, each customizable with various text properties.

Dual Text Control
Dual Text Control

Binding Data Options

The Dual Text Control requires two data fields:

  • left_text: Represents the text displayed on the left side of the control.
  • right_text: Represents the text displayed on the right side of the control.
"left_text": "Left Text Content",
"right_text": "Right Text Content"


The Dual Text Control offers customization for both left and right text fields, enabling various text formatting options.

Dual Properties

LeftRepresents the text displayed on the left side of the control.
PropertiesCustomizes the left text by changing size, weight, and color.
RightRepresents the text displayed on the right side of the control.
PropertiesCustomizes the right text by changing size, weight, and color.

Left and Right Text Properties

SizeDefine the size of the text.
WeightSpecify the weight of the text (Light, Normal, Bold, etc.).
ColorDefine the color of the text.