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Audio Record

The Audio Record control allows users to record audio directly within an application. It provides an intuitive interface with essential functionalities such as starting, pausing, canceling, and replaying recordings.

To ensure optimal compatibility, the control supports different encoding formats based on the platform. On mobile devices, recordings are stored in M4A format, while on web applications, recordings are saved in WAV format.

Audio Record
Audio Record


Audio Record


TooltipDisplays additional information or hints when users hover over the recorder component.
DescriptionAdds descriptive text above the component for better user context.
LabelAllows customization of text labels, including size, color, alignment, and more.

Audio Record



We can trigger actions using the Audio Record control's trigger events during recording actions.

on_recording_startIt triggers action when the recording starts.
on_recording_completeIt triggers action when the recording is completed.


  • Visibility: Toggle control visibility.

  • Record Style: Customize the text, background, size, color, screen background, and alignment of the control.

  • Permission Error Style: Modify how the control appears when a recording permission error occurs.

Advanced Settings

  • External CSS: Add custom styles to the Audio Record control.
  • Trigger Dependents: Automatically invoke linked controls or workflows.
  • Caching: Enable caching to store frequently used inputs.

Control Output

{{audiorecord}}Captures the recorded audio file.

To utilize the output of the Audio Record control, you can upload the file using AWS or DronaHQ Services. This will generate a link to the recorded audio, which can be used in subsequent actions.