The Numeric Control is a versatile tool used to gather numeric data or perform calculations based on user inputs. It can handle various numeric formats, such as whole numbers and decimals, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
Choose the color of the Container box. You can use a custom hex code or select one from the available themes in the builder.
Display Format
Three options available: Normal - displays the number as entered, Currency - rounds off to the nearest whole number, Accounting - displays negative values in brackets.
Provides a hint to users on what to input. It appears in the field and disappears when users start typing.
Decimal Precision
Defines the number of digits after the decimal point to be displayed. Use 0 for no decimal points.
Debounce Time (ms)
Specifies the delay between events in milliseconds, controlling the action frequency on value change.
Show Barcode Scanner
Enables barcode scanning for data entry using a mobile device's camera. When scanned, the interpreted data sets as the control value.
The outputs from the Numeric control, represented by the placeholder {{numeric}}, can be referenced in other controls, data queries, or JavaScript functions using the control's unique name.
Represents the numeric value available in the Numeric control.
Triggers when you change the value in the Numeric control. Initiates subsequent actions with the same flow as used for action buttons, list controls, etc.
Triggers when focus moves to another control, initiating the action flow.
Triggers when the Enter key is pressed after inputting data in the Numeric control.