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Single User Card

The Single User Card control is designed to display detailed information about a single user, including their name, contact details, and avatar. It offers a comprehensive view of individual user data.

Single User Card Preview
Single User Card Preview

Binding Data Options

The Single User Card control accepts data in the form of a single object representing a user's information. Here's an example of the data bind format:

"fullname": "Maria Gerhold",
"email": "",
"avatar": "",
"_isSelected": false



Cover ImageDisplays the user's image as the cover image.
TitleDisplays the user's name as the title for the card.
Detailed ViewOffers a detailed view of the selected user's information.


Font SizeFont size of the displayed data.
Font WeightFont weight of the displayed data.
Font ColorFont color of the displayed data.
Spacing Between PropertiesSpacing between different properties.
Visible ColumnsNumber of visible columns.
Fit to ScreenOption to fit data to the screen.


SearchbarOption to show or hide the search bar.
ButtonsAvailable action buttons (e.g., Download, Refresh).
FiltersOption to persist filters.
Quick FilterOption to enable quick filter.
SortingOption to enable sorting.
On Card ClickAction to perform when the card is clicked.

Control Outputs

singleusercardData associated with the selected user.


selection_changeTriggers when there is a change in the selected user card.
action1_clickTriggers when the first custom action button is clicked.