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Split Button

The Split Button control is a versatile dropdown menu that enables users to trigger queries and perform various actions. It supports manual configuration or mapped evaluation of options, and provides options for handling loading and disabled states. The Split Button control also offers solid and outline styles for customization, allowing for a visually appealing and interactive user experience.

Split Button
Split Button

The split button control consists of an arrow and a label; A default action is chosen by clicking on the label, and a list of other possible actions is displayed by clicking on the arrow. Users can pass different values and attributes in the control data and set them as various properties for the control.

Binding Data Options

Split Button control accepts array of objects in JSON format to display data. There are different ways in which you can bind data to the Split Button control.

Static Data Option

To display static options in the Split Button control, you can use the Bind Data option. The Bind Data option must be specified as an array of objects. For example:





Title ColumnThis property determines the title of each option in the dropdown menu from bounded data columns.
Description ColumnThis property displays data from a column as a description below the title.
Value ColumnThis property retrieves the value of a specific column from the selected dropdown option.
Image ColumnThis property selects a column containing image details for displaying images in the dropdown.
Border Radius (Image)This property applies a border radius to the images in the options.
Button propertiesThis property section allows you to apply styling properties to the button function of the control, including text, background, color, size, weight, and more.
Dropdown propertiesThis property section enables you to apply properties to the dropdown menu functionality of the split button control, including title, description, background, color, size, weight, and more.

Control Outputs

The outputs from the Split Button control, represented by the placeholder {{split_button}}, can be referenced in other controls, data queries, or JavaScript functions using the control's unique name.

split_buttonRepresents the selected value from the Split Button control, indicating the user's chosen menu item.


button_clickRepresents the event triggered when the Button control is clicked, indicating the button click action. It provides a way to handle user interactions and perform desired functionality.